Thursday, July 15, 2010

I miss this blog. It captured where I was specifically the early stages of my journey to NYC. I'm still in NYC. Life is better. I'm a little bit older, and a little bit wiser.
I learned that even when I try my hardest I still make mistakes.
I learned that I'm human, and that's beautiful.
I learned that time makes most things better.
I learned my priorities- God, family/friends and passion.
I learned how to face myself. And the importance of healing.
I learned that God is there even when we fall.
I learned that I can't do it all by myself, nor do I want to.
I learned to trust the Spirit of God in me.
I learned the importance of eating well. I learned the detriment of sugar.
I learned about the pains of depression.
I'm learning about the fundamentals of joy.
I'm learning not to be so hard on myself.
I'm learning that most of our issues come from childhood. They can be healed.
I learned that I need companionship.
I learned how to hustle like a Jamaican.
I learned I prefer to hustle.
I learned that not everyone has to think like me.
I learned to accept people where they are.
I learned that as much as I desire intimacy, I am deeply afraid of it.
I learned that NYC is not such a bad place. But it's also not my home.
I learned how to take life one day at a time.
I learned how to find quiet and peace anywhere!
I learned how to go alone and not feel lonely.
I learned that God always comes through for me.
I learned that I think in story.
I learned the importance of counseling.
I learned my way around NYC.
I met some very talented people that I'm honored to call friends.
I learned how to get angry.
I'm learning how to forgive.
I learned that we all have a lot of common, us humans...more than meets the eye.
I'm learning that discipline is a daily choice.
I learned that it's ok to approach life differently.
I learned how to wear skinny jeans, and shirts that fall off of your shoulders.
I learned how to talk to strangers.
I learned how much I like to dance.
I learned the value of friendship and community.
I learned not to take life for granted.
I learned how much I am loved.
I learned that God really does care.
I'm learning how to be me.

I feel good about my time here in NYC so far. I feel like my time may be slowly coming to a close, but I have learned more than I thought I would. I came here with specific quests in mind, a foreshadowed knowing of what I could expect. I came here to become the "lion" of a woman that I knew was in me. I know now that I lion doesn't have to be aggressive to where courage, sometimes courage is just being brave enough to be. The other goalish thing was to have a deeper understanding of shalom. Wholeness. That would be the defining word of this journey. Spiritually, physically, mentally, career wise, etc.- wholeness. That's the kind of stuff tattoos are made of :).

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