Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Times square photo op.
Showtime at the Apollo...not really
Shreeeyeeekkkkk. Hello...hello...is this thing on? Hello. Hello everyone, my name is Ashley, and I'm having a moment. You ever feel like just getting on the stage and telling the whole world your life? Well I guess this is my stage, my way of communicating with the world temporarily... or my few friends who read my page, lol.
I'm going through growing pains that make me feel like I'm in withdrawal. It is so hard to describe this process that some days leaves me feeling like I'm on top of the world and can do anything, and other days leaves me feeling so naked and exposed that my spirit shivers in the unfamiliarty of being that bare. All this from moving away from home? Or is this just the season in my life? Do I like who I am becoming? What am I doing here again? My heart is flooded with so many questions...questions that empty out the very things that used to excite me. Am I cynical? I miss God so much. I need people, I need community, it is such a necessity. I have great friends...shout out to my peoples you know who you are, lol. It's like I've been trying to replicate the sense of belonging I had back home, and if it doesn't come close, I reject it. And how did I make those friends in the first place? How do you make friends?...silence... this place I'm in is so unfamiliar. i've never been here before, I'm 24...internally struggling...internally at peace...internally struggling...internally at peace...internally struggling...internally at peace... I see a bit of a pattern. I enjoy being the steady one, the one who is dependable, "smooth and easy" as I called it. I am far from that now... I'm vulnerable these days, superstrong, or superweak, but the balance between those two I have yet to find. But at least they are super. And I live in a place where I have so much in common with people on a grander scale. You can taste humanity in the air here. The realization that everyone feels pain, everyone is searching, everyone is human. I feel human here. That's a good way to describe it, human and naked. It's not bad, it's necessary. It has taught me compassion in a way I have yet to experience. When your own pain becomes real, it is so much easier to identify with the sufferings of others. I used to be in a place of observation, I got to watch other people go through the hard parts of life...and learn. I'm not watching anymore, I'm living...I'm learning. Hopefully, someone is getting to watch... and learn. Of course I wanted to believe that God sent me here to NYC, which I do believe He did, but not for the purposes I had in mind. I am becoming something new. I don't even know what that looks like, but I can feel some areas in my life being broken back to dust to be reformed, smoothed out and fired.
In some ways I feel like the karate kid. It takes everything in me to fight, to be Ashley, to let go, to trust God. How is that the karate kid, lol? It's so funny, some days I walk out of the subway run up the stairs and feel like Rocky. And some days I internally remember all that God has invested in me, and encourage myself to keep going. I know I will come out of all this, I have learned with God, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, I don't care how bad it gets. I try to imagine what my college years would have been like void of all the wonderful people whose lives I got to be a part of. It would have been a total different experience. A few months ago I surveyed some older women at my old job, I asked them, "after all the things in life they've seen, done, experienced what did they think was the most significant/special, etc." Woman after woman said in their own words...
it was the people.
It was the people.
It was the people who made my college experience great, it was the people who made Richmond home, it was the people who made me feel apart of something bigger than me.
It is the people...wherever I go, whatever I do, that will make life "fulfilling". exhale... wow. A 63 year old told me this, a 60 year old, and a 42 year old... I'm 24 and this too is my experience. Love God, love yourself, love people.
Moment. (light bulb went on) I need people, I cannot sustain myself in and of myself, not here, not in Richmond.
Lord, may my life always be shared, may my wealth be stored up in people. May the riches in my life come out of relationships. I'm learning to value people. Friends, strangers, co-workers, family.
So I started this rant talking into a mic to my imaginary crowd from a very low place, and I'm ending this from a rant on top of a hill, with hope and just a little more direction, a little more confidence in this journey. God is good. Just in case I forgot. Here I go resurrecting again...Just in case I forgot. I didn't.
I'm going through growing pains that make me feel like I'm in withdrawal. It is so hard to describe this process that some days leaves me feeling like I'm on top of the world and can do anything, and other days leaves me feeling so naked and exposed that my spirit shivers in the unfamiliarty of being that bare. All this from moving away from home? Or is this just the season in my life? Do I like who I am becoming? What am I doing here again? My heart is flooded with so many questions...questions that empty out the very things that used to excite me. Am I cynical? I miss God so much. I need people, I need community, it is such a necessity. I have great friends...shout out to my peoples you know who you are, lol. It's like I've been trying to replicate the sense of belonging I had back home, and if it doesn't come close, I reject it. And how did I make those friends in the first place? How do you make friends?...silence... this place I'm in is so unfamiliar. i've never been here before, I'm 24...internally struggling...internally at peace...internally struggling...internally at peace...internally struggling...internally at peace... I see a bit of a pattern. I enjoy being the steady one, the one who is dependable, "smooth and easy" as I called it. I am far from that now... I'm vulnerable these days, superstrong, or superweak, but the balance between those two I have yet to find. But at least they are super. And I live in a place where I have so much in common with people on a grander scale. You can taste humanity in the air here. The realization that everyone feels pain, everyone is searching, everyone is human. I feel human here. That's a good way to describe it, human and naked. It's not bad, it's necessary. It has taught me compassion in a way I have yet to experience. When your own pain becomes real, it is so much easier to identify with the sufferings of others. I used to be in a place of observation, I got to watch other people go through the hard parts of life...and learn. I'm not watching anymore, I'm living...I'm learning. Hopefully, someone is getting to watch... and learn. Of course I wanted to believe that God sent me here to NYC, which I do believe He did, but not for the purposes I had in mind. I am becoming something new. I don't even know what that looks like, but I can feel some areas in my life being broken back to dust to be reformed, smoothed out and fired.
In some ways I feel like the karate kid. It takes everything in me to fight, to be Ashley, to let go, to trust God. How is that the karate kid, lol? It's so funny, some days I walk out of the subway run up the stairs and feel like Rocky. And some days I internally remember all that God has invested in me, and encourage myself to keep going. I know I will come out of all this, I have learned with God, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, I don't care how bad it gets. I try to imagine what my college years would have been like void of all the wonderful people whose lives I got to be a part of. It would have been a total different experience. A few months ago I surveyed some older women at my old job, I asked them, "after all the things in life they've seen, done, experienced what did they think was the most significant/special, etc." Woman after woman said in their own words...
it was the people.
It was the people.
It was the people who made my college experience great, it was the people who made Richmond home, it was the people who made me feel apart of something bigger than me.
It is the people...wherever I go, whatever I do, that will make life "fulfilling". exhale... wow. A 63 year old told me this, a 60 year old, and a 42 year old... I'm 24 and this too is my experience. Love God, love yourself, love people.
Moment. (light bulb went on) I need people, I cannot sustain myself in and of myself, not here, not in Richmond.
Lord, may my life always be shared, may my wealth be stored up in people. May the riches in my life come out of relationships. I'm learning to value people. Friends, strangers, co-workers, family.
So I started this rant talking into a mic to my imaginary crowd from a very low place, and I'm ending this from a rant on top of a hill, with hope and just a little more direction, a little more confidence in this journey. God is good. Just in case I forgot. Here I go resurrecting again...Just in case I forgot. I didn't.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
NYC memories
So I was sitting on the train yesterday, which by the way has become my sanctuary, it's just such a great place to sit and think, and look at beautiful different people. It's one of my favorite moments of the day, an awesome time of reflection.
Anyways, I was sitting on the train thinking about all the funny things that have happened here in my short time. And I just bust out laughing, out loud, all to myself, I couldn't help myself. The hard days became funny, the fun days became joyful memories... so I came up with this list while I was on the train.
1. I farted on the elevator. lol I didn't mean too, but we were on the 9th floor and the elevator stopped at like four floors. oops.
2. I went to a parade, with music, horns, and a huge float... I thought... but it was actually a funeral.
3. I cracked up laughing on the middle of the train because of this list.
4. I put on my prettiest dress for an event at work, and my white granny panties were shining through. :(
5. At my old apartmen building, built in 1923, and probably not refurbished since then, I chose to take a shower in the bathroom with the great water pressure... Sadly the water would go up 10 degrees every two minutes and burn the mess out of me. lol
6. The "boobie" lady on the train showing off her topless pictures to a stranger... and everyone else on the train for that matter...even me. lol
7. My old apartment fed us, but was stingy on the food some days. I arrived late for dinner one evening to be served a spoonful of tuna...just tuna... no bread, no crackers. I just stared at it and laughed.
8. Did anyone else see that man dressed like Elvis? anybody.
9. I had a maid. ( For 2 weeks)
10. I hailed a cab... I think I'll walk from now on.
11. I pick up people's accent very easily, and not on purpose, I met some international ladies at my apartment and picked up a lovely british accent. My roommate is latino, and now so am I.
12. I went shopping on Labor Day, biiiiigggg mistake, never again! I went to Macy's and got so frustrated I had to stop and get ice cream, ice cream makes everything better.
13. I got my eyebrows waxed... scary, bought a city purse and sunglasses... that was enough. I don't need much more vanity- but I do like my purse.
14. The rockin' open mic night, I rocked my head so hard...and started saying stuff like "man that music is funky..umm that's fresh... you better play it... whooo... and of course I put on the funky musician face when you are reeally feeling it, you can't be in a place like that without the funky face. (David you would have been proud)
15. On a serious note, out of all the people I've seen here on the streets so absorbed with the hustle, I have felt the most for the homeless people. They seem to be the one's that can see the clearest here.
16. There is something so significant about the train ride home. I almost cried on the train the other day. Somedays are just too much to bear.
That's my list so far. I do know one thing. I am rich... we are rich. There are so many people here who are striving for fulfillment... for money, for something. Those things have there place, but I have had the opportunity to experience relationships that are so fulfilling they run right to my heart. Most people don't recognize or experience this until later in their lifetime. We are fortunate to be rich now, and have the opportunity to do something with it. There's a freedom that knowing you already have what your heart longs after, and that you don't have to strive for it for a lifetime. How do we respond to that wealth, you know. There's a lot to be learned from watching and listening to other people's lives, the big shots and the not so big shots, they all have a story to tell of how they chose to live their life.
NYC is full of big buildings, millions of people, everything at your fingertips. But it's also a tiny island, with a little foundation to for all of the hustle it sustains. Big, lofty, man made dreams, and little hearts. Is NYC the American dream? Big accomplishments, and hardened hearts. This pic says a lot to me, this is the biggest cemetery I've ever seen, with the biggest cityscape right behind it. I call it "tombstones and pillars". Lives spent on building pillars. I've come to recognize milestones in life and have learned to stake a pillar in the places that I know God was with me, and the places I want to remember. And then there are the pillars of expectation that we have for our own lives (that sometimes lead to unnecessary stress). Live your life with pillars, don't let your pillars live you.
random nights
First Sunday
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Daddy's girl

I love my Dad. I love the fact that this Man (man with a capital "M", I'm convinced that there are a few phases in manhood, boy, young man, man, Man.) My dad is a Man man, lol. He exemplifies in this past two years much of what was a mystery to me for most of my adolescence. He hears my heart, and hears God speak to Him about me. He speaks the truth to me, offers wisdom that comes from a place that I can identify with because I am his seed and I think and act a lot like him. My relationship with my dad testifies to the sovereignty, love, grace and redemption in Christ. It's amazing how all of the talks and such that I missed growing up, I have experienced to a depth that I don't think most fathers and daughters experience so intimately. My dad speaks life into me, like a human echo of God. He's not God, but God echoes His love towards me through my father. I love that Man. This is an ode to my father. Even though I didn't get to see his life process, it is amazing that in my journey to learn to understand, relate to, and appreciate men, I have a father who exemplifies manhood at its finest. His choices, his struggles, his bruises, his tenderness, his fears, his joy, his vulnerable heart, his weakness, his strength, his tender patient love... his heart for his daughter absent and present, are what has made him in my eyes a Man. God made a Man, out of a boy... a lonely, frail boy. My father is the story of redemption. I am a daughter of redemption.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Man I feel good tonight! It is almost midnight and I just applied to four of my top jobs! That feels good. David says in the sales world that a day of putting out bait is a day well spent. I am learning to press, and I must say OHHHH! it feels good to know that I've done the part that I can do, and I've done it the best way I know how. Hallelujah! Whether I get a job or not, I feel like I am victorious TODAY. I have accomplished something that has taken me months and years to attain a new place of maturity. I have the desire to press and pursue! That in itself is so satisfying to my soul. It makes me feel like more of a woman that I was a month ago, like God is perfecting His good work in me, not because I am successful in my pursuits, but because in pursuit of my desires He is changing my heart, my character, me. In a way that it is beginning to be clearer that my pursuits are for the purpose of God's pursuit of me to be like Him. Tonight will go down in my personal memory bank- God has met me here in my pressing.
Monday, April 28, 2008
A Country Conversation
I heard this country song today that took me back. It was like you were talking to me amidst all of my hustle.
"You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this"
-Trace Adkins
Lord help me. I can be in such a hurry to get to the next part of life, to be out of this job, to travel to this place, to... it's always something. Help me Lord. It is songs like this that help me remember that where I am today is as beautiful as where I will be tomorrow. Life is so short, and it's like I'm in a hurry to live it. I want to enjoy where I am now. I am blessed. I am so well taken care of. Thank you Lord. Some of my best times with you are when it is just you and me on the highway, and it's raining.lol. It just feels so nostalgic. Like memories only you and I know about. I love those secret times with you. They keep me. We have so many memories together, sometimes I forget, looking for the next moment, the next whatever. To live in this world is hard as a believer, I cannot imagine life without you at a time like this. I complain about my job, my home, and I'm sure a zillion other things. Life is good. I'm gonna miss these days, like I now miss my childhood. I've got friends that people wait a lifetime to meet, a family that has become a nearly extinct species to our society, a Mom who has sacrificed a great portion of her time to raise me, a Dad who loves me the most unconditionally that I've known, and a God who has forever made my life full. I love to love you.
"You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this"
-Trace Adkins
Lord help me. I can be in such a hurry to get to the next part of life, to be out of this job, to travel to this place, to... it's always something. Help me Lord. It is songs like this that help me remember that where I am today is as beautiful as where I will be tomorrow. Life is so short, and it's like I'm in a hurry to live it. I want to enjoy where I am now. I am blessed. I am so well taken care of. Thank you Lord. Some of my best times with you are when it is just you and me on the highway, and it's raining.lol. It just feels so nostalgic. Like memories only you and I know about. I love those secret times with you. They keep me. We have so many memories together, sometimes I forget, looking for the next moment, the next whatever. To live in this world is hard as a believer, I cannot imagine life without you at a time like this. I complain about my job, my home, and I'm sure a zillion other things. Life is good. I'm gonna miss these days, like I now miss my childhood. I've got friends that people wait a lifetime to meet, a family that has become a nearly extinct species to our society, a Mom who has sacrificed a great portion of her time to raise me, a Dad who loves me the most unconditionally that I've known, and a God who has forever made my life full. I love to love you.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I stopped to smell the Daisies
Hmmm. That's an exhale. This is my first attempt today to unload all the layers that have been piled on my mind today. Trying to find a job... not really what I want to do again, but for this time in my life it seems to be the only way for me to have the means to my immediate dreams and desires. Somedays I would just love to lay in a field and just look at the pretty trees. To live a simple life. Then there's the other part of me that would like to have an effect on this world other than frolicking in the daisies. It's like frolicking in the daisies is my default... but is it. It feels as if all this planning to effect this little world, is just an attempt to speak this worlds language, and there is a large learning curve. I guess I'm just a little weary today. I feel like a horse bucking for its freedom. Lord, how do I live in a society that is so enslaved. This America, this land of the free, this home of the brave is not so brave, and it's not so free. Are we free because we can make money and work, or have we become workhorses driven to stay a float, not ever getting to realize what we are personally made of because our time is consumed by work... and that is my soap box session for the day. I'm tired Lord. Trying to fight for my identity, for time, for a life that is blessed by resources, not dependent upon them.
I miss my family too. I miss the feeling of knowing that they are near. My family is so beautiful Lord. Thank you for them. I miss them... please take care of them. Why am I here in Richmond...still? This has been a great place for me, so much so I don' know where to go, it feels like I'm leaving the nest. This is where my life began. I was born in Richmond, what a beautiful heritage that lies here. It is my fear of leaving the things dear and familiar to me, the hesistation to face the changes that my life may so suddenly take in the coming months, that makes me want to stop... stop everything and smell those good ole daisies again... in an immeasurable field, bordered by mountains, with a nice cool breeze. It's like I want to rebel against everything that makes me feel confined or trapped. Lord where are you in all of this. What does it mean to be free. Am I trying to hold on to my life? Does all this have anything to do with me losing my life to gain it?
I'm all over the place tonight, but I've got a lot on my mind. Exhale. Exhale. My dad told me the other day, with such wisdom and gentleness as I beat his head in with excitement about all of my plans and aspirations, he said to me, "Ashley, I will love you and be proud of you no matter what you decide to do. You could dig holes for the rest of your life, if you are giving it your all that's what matters, your heart. I love you today just as much as I ever will." It felt like my Dad's words came straight from your heart for me. Thank you Lord. If I'm striving for your approval by being a world changer, it's not all that necessary, changing the world is a bonus. Understanding that you are after my heart, my being- that is liberating. Though I may feel trapped in this place, in this body even sometimes, there is a place of freedom that lets me rest, knowing that you love me the same.
I miss my family too. I miss the feeling of knowing that they are near. My family is so beautiful Lord. Thank you for them. I miss them... please take care of them. Why am I here in Richmond...still? This has been a great place for me, so much so I don' know where to go, it feels like I'm leaving the nest. This is where my life began. I was born in Richmond, what a beautiful heritage that lies here. It is my fear of leaving the things dear and familiar to me, the hesistation to face the changes that my life may so suddenly take in the coming months, that makes me want to stop... stop everything and smell those good ole daisies again... in an immeasurable field, bordered by mountains, with a nice cool breeze. It's like I want to rebel against everything that makes me feel confined or trapped. Lord where are you in all of this. What does it mean to be free. Am I trying to hold on to my life? Does all this have anything to do with me losing my life to gain it?
I'm all over the place tonight, but I've got a lot on my mind. Exhale. Exhale. My dad told me the other day, with such wisdom and gentleness as I beat his head in with excitement about all of my plans and aspirations, he said to me, "Ashley, I will love you and be proud of you no matter what you decide to do. You could dig holes for the rest of your life, if you are giving it your all that's what matters, your heart. I love you today just as much as I ever will." It felt like my Dad's words came straight from your heart for me. Thank you Lord. If I'm striving for your approval by being a world changer, it's not all that necessary, changing the world is a bonus. Understanding that you are after my heart, my being- that is liberating. Though I may feel trapped in this place, in this body even sometimes, there is a place of freedom that lets me rest, knowing that you love me the same.
"You are the secret place I know, when there is nowhere else to go, you are the secret place I know, you are the secret place I know."
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